
SPECIAL MOVESFred and Barney can really move! Read on and find out.Climbing: Fred and Barney can climb certain objects in the game.

CONTROL cont.X button: At the Map screen hold down the X button and press the Control Pad to scroll around the current map.L/R button: Press the L/R button while holding the Control Pad left/right to make Fred and Barney run.Start button: Press to pause the game.Select Press to advance to the Treasure Mapbutton: screen from the Map screen. Got it?To start a Two Player game follow the instructions below:o From the Menu screen, press the Control Pad to choose 2 Players.o Press the Start button to advance to the introduction.o After the introduction, you'll be rocking!CONTROLRead the following section to get the low down on getting around Bedrock.Control Pad: Press left/right to move characters left/right.Press down to make Fred and Barney duck their heads.A button: Press to advance through text quickly.B button: Press to jump.Y button: Press to attack.Press to stop the lucky wheel. Sostop stalling and start searching! -TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction.2Table of Contents.3Jump Start.4Two Player Games.5Control.6-7Special Moves.8-9Options.10Game Screen.11-12Clearing a Stage.13Continuing the Game.14Password.15Watch Out For Wilma!.16Items.17-18Roadside Attractions.19 -JUMP STARTBlast through this section to learn how to get right into the action.o From the Title screen press the Start button to advance to the Menuscreen.o Press the Control Pad up/down to choose 1 Player.o Press the Start button to advance to the introduction.o Press the Start button to advance through the introduction to the Mapscreeno Press the Y button for Fred or Barney to toss the die.o Press the Control Pad to move Fred or Barney the number of spacesindicated by the die.o Fred/Barney will begin the adventure automatically when they've moved thecorrect number of spaces. Get a FREE iPad or MacBook Air!!!!!!! The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock THE FLINTSTONES The Treasure of Sierra Madrock -THE FLINTSTONESThe Treasure of Sierra MadrockYABBA-DABBA-DOO!It's your chance to become the Grand Poobah of the Royal Order of WaterBuffaloes! All you have to do is find The Treasure of Sierra Madrock.