> releasing a trade show, ~half-year old demo to the public with no context and letting that completely override the more positive press previews that came out like the same day or day after. But even stuff like creative producer commentated gameplay walkthroughs which are on the Japanese channels are just completely absent in the west. > More substantive marketing in Japan than outside despite the country not being relevant for sales of non-switch titles anymore, completely abandoning stuff like the active time reports that XV regularly had outside of the country. It feels like Sonic Frontiers all over again except in reverse. Regardless of how the game turns out I think that most would agree that the game has had probably one of the worst PR campaigns imaginable. They're probably second only to Atlus in how inscrutable their operations are.

Stunning visuals with AMD FidelityFX™ Support.The new Forspoken PC video showcases both gameplay and in-game cinematics footage from the PC version of the game, and highlights some of the PC specs and features that will be available to players on the PC version at launch, including: To watch the new Forspoken PC Features Highlight video, visit:

LOS ANGELES (January 17, 2023) – Today, Square Enix® and Luminous Productions released a new video that provided a first look of their upcoming title, Forspoken, running on PC and shared new details of PC specs and features that players can expect to enjoy from the PC version (via STEAM ®, Microsoft Store, and Epic Games Store) when it launches on January 24, 2023. NEW VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS FORSPOKEN PC FEATURES PC Specs and Features Revealed